Gid 12.1.1d Also Available For Mac

2020. 4. 10. 13:32카테고리 없음

It's a little late, but perhaps it will be of help to others. You can use the pkgutil command. For example, if you want to know what package the 'less' command belongs to run: pkgutil -file-info /usr/bin/less Which will output something like: volume: / path: /usr/bin/less pkgid: pkg-version: Install-time: uid: 0 gid: 0 mode: 755 To list all files contained in a package, in our example, run: pkgutil -files I know this tool has been present since OS X 10.6. This is not really possible since there's no standardized package management. Unless you configured MacPorts or Homebrew differently, you'll always find their executables in a location that nobody else uses. Since MacPorts and Homebrew do not run under a separate user account, the files they create will always be owned by your user or root.

What's left is that you can only try to guess based on the executable location. Here are some rules:. MacPorts uses /opt/local/bin and /opt/local/sbin for executables, everything prefixed under /opt/local. Homebrew uses /usr/local/bin for executables, everything else under /usr/local/. Other applications should create their own directories somewhere under /usr, e.g. /usr/local/git/bin for the Git OS X installer or /usr/X11/bin for X11. Some system frameworks symlink to /usr/bin, e.g.

Rake points to /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework. No application should ever use /bin or /sbin. No third party application (i.e. Anything not an OS X framework) should use /usr/bin either.

Any 1.6 or CS:S player can tell you that the UMP was pretty meager if not pointless back in the day, especially for the $1700 cost. But CS:GO has changed all that, making the UMP a very viable weapon for multiple scenarios. For starters, the UMP has the highest base damage of any SMG in the game, comparable to most rifles at close range. It also has a very good 1 shot accuracy.

God 12.1.1d also available for mac

With this known info, using the UMP on unarmored targets in the same manner as a rifle proves to be an extremely effective method for picking players off at medium-longer ranges such as long A on dust2, or outer on nuke. It also comes in handy as a good corner picking weapon if you happened to win pistols on CT side.

I like to think of the UMP as a weaker famas or galil and try to burst with it at med-long range, or burst A-D, A-D. And its no punk at short range either, just don't hold m1 for too long like most SMGs.

Second, while it is still the slowest firing SMG in the game, its firerate has greatly improved from the days of 1.6 and CS:S. No more stuttering thud-thud-thud, its rate of fire has changed from 571 rpm to 667 making it only slightly slower than the MP7. Now firing off a burst of rounds is actually worthwhile. Obviously the UMP lacks the bullet penetration and has a worse dropoff modifier than any rifle, but its new stats make the UMP a standout weapon in the game at medium-long range.

You could argue that the MP7 is slightly more accurate, but its dropoff modifier is just as big, and it only does around 80-85% damage of a UMP bullet. Next, the cost of the UMP is only $1200. This makes it the second cheapest SMG in the game next to the MAC-10. At such a low price, its an ideal purchase for second round, or save rounds and still make $600 per kill. So stop spending twice as much on a P90 and earning half as much when the other team only has pistols, and heaven forbid they kill you and take it from you. Getting just 2 kills during the first few rounds makes the UMP pay for itself just in time to upgrade to a rifle on first buy round. And you can't have a discussion without the negatives.

The UMP does have some drawbacks, so I'll list my few gripes with it. For one, its got a big recoil, comparable to the galil or m4 with just a few constant shots.

This really forces you to treat the UMP as a rifle, not an SMG. Though you won't have to bury your retical into the ground as hard or control the left and right sway as much.

Another issue with the UMP is that it has a clip of only 25 bullets, making it a weapon for the patient and accurate. People that enjoy using the bizon or P90 tend to recognize this fact quickly and overlook its advantages. This also make the UMP a poor gun for suppression fire. Lastly, the UMP is fairly poor at strafe shooting.

Its definitely no MAC-10 or MP9 when strafing across an alley or a room, holding m1 and hoping for some headshots. You'll be lucky to get some arms hits if you try any more than a few bullets So thats my opinion on the UMP-45, hope I've encouraged some of you to convert from MP7, P90, or some other half buy weapon, I'd like to see your own input on it though Some sources, and feel free to correct me, I'm sure I made a mistake somewhere along the line.

I been using it a lot. Used to use bizon cause its really fun to hold m1 and spray down a whole rush on second round. But with the bizon your left having to rebuy 3rd round or be faced with the possibility of a surprise buy and having a gun with shitty armour penetration.

For that case I buy the UMP and keep it for 2 rounds, sometimes even into the 4th if its a map with CQB. Its also my go to weapon if I have to save for an awp again mid round. For some reason the spray pattern seems really easy to control, I don't even know what its like but I seem to control it and get easy HS's. But yeah ammo is the only downfall, it sucks to being left to solo hold a site with it, or face a 4-5 man rush. But 5 more bullets in the other smgs (excluding bizon and p90) don't help to much with their lower damage. But yeah its a great gun IDK why it doesn't see more play, only time I buy a bizon is if my team gets a clean first round and I know the other team is too broke/smart to try to buy 3rd round.

God 12.1.1d Also Available For Mac

My response won't be as nearly detailed. However, I feel the UMP is pretty underused. I find it to be the most damaging of the SMG's on a save round. I suppose each SMG has their role in terms of capability. I would put the UMP in the - High Risk/High Damage - Low Ammo category.

Gid 12.1.1d Also Available For Mac Os

If you can get your shots to hit it is incredibly effective. The biggest drawback is the 25 round magazine. I find I have to reload more often to be as effective, in comparison to the MP7 which is only 5 rounds more, however feels more effective in longer engagements. Spraying is also very controllable. It is probably the easiest gun to side strafe with. All in all, I'd say underused and could see more buys on second round surprise buys or save rounds.